“The Pittsburgh Paralegal Association has had the privilege of working with Amelia Williams. Amelia’s presentation was very compelling as she shared her personal story of growing up as a victim of domestic violence, how she eventually overcame the trauma and has gone on to achieve many successes in her life. Her message of there is life after domestic violence was inspiring. We received very positive feedback from all of our members who attended Amelia’s presentation. The PPA looks forward to continuing a relationship with Amelia and helping those who are trying to break free and recover from the trauma of domestic violence.”
from left to right: Cindy Wirtz and Amelia Williams
“I met Amelia at a networking event last spring and, upon finding she works as an advocate against domestic violence, I asked if she would come to the McMurray Rotary on October 17, 2013 to present. I’m very happy to say her presentation really moved the members of our Club. It awakened many to the realities of how unseen much of domestic violence really is, and that it can be manifested not just physically, but also, emotionally and mentally. Amelia delivers a powerful message that we ALL need to hear – and act on! After hearing of her personal journey through the nightmare of domestic violence, you’ll be amazed at how she is now such a friendly, outgoing and caring individual!”
Gary Rosensteel, Club Service Director, Rotary Club of McMurray
from left to right: Gary Rosensteel, Rotary Club of McMurray and Amelia Williams
“We, the Rotary Club of Washington County greatly benefitted from Amelia’s presentation. Her story and the “Ring of Hope Campaign” helped raise the awareness of domestic violence issues for our members and our community. We appreciate her time in giving this presentation and bringing this social issue of domestic violence awareness to such a personal level. We feel her continued efforts to speak in our communities will impact and make a difference in others’ lives.”
from left to right: J. R. Shaw, President,
Rotary Club of Washington and Amelia Williams
Rotary Club of Washington County, PA 15301
“I met Amelia a couple of years ago, at a Pittsburgh women’s networking event. Because I own a fashion-accessories business, as does Amelia, we had that in common and easily talked shop about our companies. Some years after, I ran into Amelia at local vendor events around the city, where we showcased our collections. She always had a smile on her face, an uplifting attitude, and she was a joy to be around. It wasn’t until I heard Amelia share her story at Beauty and Bravery, a fundraiser for domestic violence, that I knew she was a victim herself. I was completely shocked. Not so much at what she shared — albeit a tragic story for certain — but because in spite of her painful upbringing, she now leads a faith-filled and successful life, and is an amazing role model for her daughter. Amelia has incredible courage and strength not to allow her circumstances to define her. I am truly proud of the work she is doing in raising awareness about domestic violence. With her fortitude and collation of partners, I pray one day the cycle will stop.”
from left to right: Marsha Murman, Owner, Chloe’s Adornments and Amelia Williams
“The Zonta Club of Washington County, a professional women’s organization, hears presentations from many speakers on a variety of womens’ issues. Amelia’s presentation made a unique impact in its content and the perfect balance of its tone. It was intensely personal and disturbingly universal in its applicability. It was also passionate without relying on mere emotionality to drive the points home. Perhaps most refreshing, it was empowering and compassionate in lending insight into the often well-intentioned, but misguided, question, “Why doesn’t she just leave?”. Amelia delved powerfully into the grey areas and difficult questions of how one can simultaneously love an abusive parent enough to forgive, and love oneself enough to ultimately take the steps necessary for one’s own survival. I recommend Amelia highly as a speaker.”
from left to right: Carole Babish, Maniet Financial Services Network, Amelia Williams, and Samantha Lee, Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA
“In March 2011, a jewelry designer by the name of Amelia spoke at our White Oak rotary meeting. I was inspired concerning her recent business venture and community initiative called the “Ring of Hope” campaign. She shared her story with us and how she was raised in a very abusive home. Years later, she finally was able to get her life together and make something that was so terrible into something very positive. She is very philanthropic in helping to comfort other women, like her, through donating proceeds from her jewelry sales. She left an incredible impression on me, and I am sure she left an impact on others that night as well. Amelia’s jewelry is very unique and the quality is, without a doubt, the best! I buy a lot of jewelry but Amelia’s is definitely one of a kind. I am also impressed that she sets aside a portion of proceeds from Ring of Hope Jewelry sales for domestic violence awareness, which means she believes in her cause and so do I. I believe she can have a positive impact through her “Ring of Hope” Jewelry here in local communities and nationally.”
from left to right: Larry Anlauf and Amelia Williams
“Amelia’s personal story she told at the Bravery and Beauty Fashion Show created an emotional impact on the audience as our goal was to create awareness about domestic violence. She was the only survivor who shared her painful encounters live on stage. Her powerful speech was very significant to those struggling with domestic violence to give them hope and ultimately raising awareness for Crisis Center North.”
Lea Guarino, Event Producer, Guarino Group Productions
“I attended one of Amelia’s presentations on domestic violence awareness. I found it interesting that she started her talk with questions to address important misconceptions about this social issue. Amelia gave us her insights as a survivor and brought domestic violence awareness to an intensely personal level. She emphasized that this is a social issue worldwide, making you aware of the fact that domestic violence is NOT just an issue of women being battered, but that it is about battered/abused children too. She took time to answer questions from audience members and stayed to speak with attendees. Some wanted to ask additional questions and tell their story. Her Ring of Hope Jewelry line is an appropriate social and entrepreneurial venture for her cause. Amelia’s presentation needs to reach others who hesitate to speak out about domestic violence in their own lives or in the lives of others. Her personal story is captivating and made me realize that children who cannot speak out for themselves are also victims of domestic violence.”
Carmella Wehrle, Corporate Work Ability
“Amelia has a message. And she has ways of getting people to listen. Amelia Williams is the guiding force behind the Ring of Hope Campaign. Its mission is to provide hope for the victims of domestic violence. A survivor herself, Amelia gets the word out to promote increased awareness of domestic violence in all its forms. She does this ably through public speaking, singing, and creating hand-crafted jewelry to help support the cause. She is a shining example of how one overcomes tragedy.”
Jay Speyerer, Legacy Road Communications